*blow**blow*wah sey, my blog dusty alr sey. long tyme nvr update. hehs. but Im back! okay, so sorry for not updating my blog. all this while had a few activities such as - lepak, P6 Outreach Programme, lepak, Soccer trg, lepak, ZSS Open House, lepak, watched 2012, lepak, lepak and lepak! the pictures above are superrrr outdated. HEHE.
I kind of like feel awkward updating blog like this since I have not update for a long time. hehs.
Currently @ Mirah's crib. Sleeping-over w Atika. Kekek sey. And finally after 4 years of friendship w dear Atika, I just found out that she had an obssesion over JUSTIN BIEBER, LEE MIN HO & CHOI MIN HO! You should see her reaction when she watched those videos on those guys. Drooling sey die! hahaaaa.
&& Mirah was so prasan that her hair look like Justin Bieber's.
and she can't even pronounce 'Bieber' correctly! HAHA.
I'm not mengumpat-ing bcoz they are right beside me. hehe. See how adorable my sayangs are. Hehs.