Thursday, September 24, 2009
Fire Burning.
just came back from Bukit Gombak. currently doing art(and blogging). hehe.ytd night at ard 12++ i watched Star Golden Bell Challenge. wah, got Chunglim sey andand MC Mong. hehe. then at the road thr very keycoh sey. but i didn't see la. then after a while i go kitchen skali i saw firefighter and ambulance all. wah, cool tawu. HAHA. da la dierg hot hot.^^ the which story flat got burn la. then the SCDF mamats sumr keycoh sey. so-the-very-the-hero y'know. blh thn blh thn. hehe. then the neighbours all tgk sey. wah wah wah, so concern ah. overly-concern got la! hahha. then got this one makcik still cn take pict sey! rabak pe. after ard 2hrs then evrythg ends. haiz.. kesian ehk.DnT was blah. i was so slow and my fan wasn't that nice after all. chh. borinnnngggggggggggg.Labels: ainelmo :: Don't make me repeat more than 3times.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

AYO! okay, you see Jaebeom thr. he left 2PM alr. i repeat, JAEBEOM LEFT 2PM. haiyoyo, so sad lor. he's the leader and he left 2PM. he so muscular. i love his arms y'know. haiz. just bcoz of things that happened 4 yrs ago. wth. so now, 2PM only has 6 members. boooo la booooo. tak gerek la kan mcm gitu. but nehmind. still got hope. still got Taecyeon. gosh, TAECYEON. argh, i'm so melting.^^ Okay, now Hyun Joong. good news ah good news. he's recovered from H1NI and is back in Korea. yay. hehe. he could not even attend the Seoul Drama awards thingy to receive his award as Most Popular Actor. awwwwwwwww. luckily, the other members of SS501 was thr to represent hym.:)ohk, enough about them. just now sch was okay. after sch went to BBP w Nerissa and Xin Rui. Shi Yin could not tag along. nehmind Shi Yin, nehmind. next tyme ah next tyme. :) after we ate at Naked Fish, we 'stalk' this 2 GR guys. hehe, blh thn jgk dierg. haha. very funny la! :) then i rushed back home and bathe. got ready for awards day. ah, Awards Day was so kekek. haha. Amy and Ezzah keycoh ah. Hhahha. Labels: ainelmo :: you look good in that suit.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
To All Muslims,

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada semua umat Islam.
Da tiba raya ni, Ain ingin mengambil kesempatan utk
meminta maaf kpd semua kwn kwn dan kenalan.
Klaw adr terkasar bahaser atau silap apr apr, maafkan la yer.
Kiter saling bermaafan yer.:)
Manusia manr lari dari kesilapan.
Labels: ainlemo :: Halal kn makan minom yer.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Hello Rain.
Welcome LOVERS and HATERS.
~Rain rain go away,come again another day.Barney friends are out to play,Rain rain go away.~
okay, in the first place, I don't even like Barney and I think the rain will get heavier if I start singing. hehe.
ehr ehr, I'm now sucking. okay, what you thinking? sucking the Bobdog sweet la, the one that looks like cigarettes one. HAHA. boo you!
Sci remedial today was blah, so is the test. haiz.. then took lrt w YingXuan, Pearlyn and XinRui. hehe. walked home w Pearlyn.:)
okay, now I'm searching for my red cardigan. where are you ah? my cupboard doors are open and clothes are lying on the bed. where is that damn red cardigan. oops. hehs. nehmnind, I don't think I'm gg wear the cardigan anymore bcoz the rain is stoppping. right? ah, right. okay, bye. gtg.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Sour Punk.
Hey dudes and dudets. okay, mepek.
Today did duty w Dasrine and Asdira. haha. then had DnT. theory was blah, but practical was better. we did the motor today. haha. after DnT, we were gg down this staircase when Zawati saw this small lizard on the wall. it was small but still disgusting. eeww, gross thing. then we were lyke staring at it move on the wall. skali it dropped to the floor. apr lagi, we shout like mad then run down the staircase. wah, ShiYin run until the pencil box all drop sey. HAHA.
after DnT was recess. then MT. had to do karangan. hate it.
then Eng, we went to comp lab 1. I kept singing "~I'm a high class lady everyday~". then Shiyin said, "Are you sure?" haha. yes yes, I'm sure. ~I'm a high class lady everyday.~ HAHAH.
then stayed back to do karangan.
i tell you, I've nvr seen Ernest more horny than today. right Zawati? HAHA. me and Zawati told Ernest that hys butt was v.small, then Ernest said, "my butt small meh?" then he smack hys own butt! HAHAHAAHHAHHAHA. me and Zawati cnt tahan sia. thats the highlight, wah.^^ he kept doing it and we kept laughing very hard. haha.
then Haniff didn't go solat Jumaat. aiyooo.. haha, he said he nvr puasa bcoz he uzor. HAHA, havnt wet dreams but uzor alr. and now i realise tht most of the boys (or at least 4 of them) havnt had wet dreams. they don't evn know what is wet dreams! haha, boys boys.
then ShiYin and Pearlyn came to class to sell their chocolates. somemore so EX one.. wht kind of entrepenuership club is that? HAHA. but still, the chocolates sold out. i bought this two packets of sweet from another 2 girls. Sour Punk, 2 for $1. cheaper, hehe. oh ya, thanks Qarinah for buying the Chocolate for me. :)
then Zawati left first, i still had to finish the karangan.
Jun Liang: what do you think of Haniff?
Me: huh? he's way down my expectation. cnt even reach half of it. too short. haha.
Jun Liang: Chee Wei?
Me: at least he is taller than Haniff.
Jun Liang: Brian leh?
Me: HUH? wah, that one cnt make it. no, no.
Jun Liang: Min Xuan? handsome?
Me: huh? err, he okay la. not handsome, not ugly. like normal ah normal.:)
Jun Liang: Yu Yang?
Me: HUH? wah, that one same as Brian. also cnt make it! HAHAHA.
Jun Liang: HAHA. then Ernest?
Me: Okay wht. he very clever.
Jun Liang: then me leh?
Me: (immediately answer) You very cute! your cheeks like Russel from 'UP' that one.
Jun liang was like "ehem.." then straightaway go to YuYang to see him play PSP. HAHAH. he's trying to run away. Jun Liang, you very cute la. Don't Deny.^^
Labels: ainelmo :: annyeong tto annyeong.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Jonghun [FT Island]
Jaebeom [2PM]
Taecyeon [2PM]
G-Dragon [BigBang]Heyyo!
Hot aren't they? gosh, I simply adore them. hehe.
Today I reach sch super early, bcoz i woke up early and i got ready early and the LRT came early and... basically, everything was early. haha. so reach sch and try to finish up Art. as expected, most of the rest also never do. haiz, haha. Basically during Art just finish doing mind map for the visual art. and ShiYin was so pissed off by 'ehem ehem'. haha. something even funnier happened after art class. after we pack, we was lyke slowly strolling to go out of the Art Room. skali I saw ChengHong chiong out lyke thr's no tmr lyke tht. I told Zawati abt it and she imitated hym. with the same kanchiong-ness somemore! HAHA. when I reach class, Zawati showed me that ChengHong at hys sit alr - all ready to greet the tcher, while the rest still slowly strolling in. haha, aiyayai.:)
then Geog class was super busy-with-the-laser-thingy. tcher told WeiCheng to sit beside me bcoz he didn't have paper. then the grp of us started playing w the laser. haha, very cool sey. the laser was so good, it can reach the canteen from our class. i've got witnesses. then not enough, can reach until the staircase near Blue Room thr. HAHA, scary or wht. Science was normal, nobody listen to tcher anyway.
then recess, then Eng Library period. then before the bell ring, I decided to look for ShiYin they all at Library(since they left me alone. chh.) then met Khalisah, Ayu, Siti and Qarinah outside Lib thr. then I saw these two lizards(those outdoor type). thne when I told the rest, Khalisah was lyke trying to catch it. haiyoyo, Khalisah, Khalisah. haha.
I borrowed this one book about a teenage girl who got pregnant and her boyf' left her. Khalisah recommended me this book and it suited my reading level. after half an hour, i decided to do the rest of the reading practise quiz thr(w the help of Zawati.) the computer was sooooooo slow like no father mother sia. walao, tunggu punyr tunggu, at last can do the test. Zawati told me to do 'Matilda' bcoz she did alr and she could help me. hehe^^ and hell ya, i pass w full marks. haha. no tyme to do another 2 test. then rush like mad to Maths class. tcher go through Maths Moc Test which I didn't take but i got a blank paper. I havn't even started the first qsn, she start gg thru alr. i was so guilty and confused. I didn't knw wheteher I should follow her or do myself. but then she only go thru some qsn so, i got to brg back the paper and do at hme. but i still havn't do. later ah later.
didn't have Eng Oral tdy bcz the tcher nvr come, so will be postponed for some students. then after sch I wait till 3pm bfr gg to the awards day rehearsal. it was so keycoh. the students all sit anyhow, talk talk talk. after the first run, i got bored and decided to read the storybk just now. wo yong kong ah..(is it the right spelling?^^) then the rest like still talking talking. haha. then after sing the sch song, which is my 'favourite song', suddenly they all quiet sey. haha, ruprnyr Ms Ang come alr. then Amy sat properly beside me. when she saw me still reading the book, she ask me, "Alamak, Ain, adr extra storybook?". I said no. haha, Ms Ang dtg baru nk step baek ehk. tak perlu drama ni sumr. mentang mentang form tcher in-charge of Drama Club.. HAHA! yadayadayada. the rehearsal ended ard 6++. then took lrt home w Farihin. hehs. c:
Labels: ainelmo :: gosh, just can't stop looking at you.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Heavy Flow.
shit, I hate periods.I felt lyke fainting in the LRT today. cramp until lyke no father mother. *heavy sigh*
reached sch and rushed to copy Maths qsn, still having cramp. walao. during assembly its better.
I still change for P.E. tcher nvr come but we still play against another class. got this
FBB(FattyBOMBOM) pissed me off. whatever la.
science was a good chance for me to finish my Maths bcoz tcher didn't came to class. rushed to finish Science and do as many Maths qsn as possible. luckily, during Maths lesson I felt better. if not, cnt concentrate. changed seat for Maths(only). After Maths, tcher talked to me regarding the Moc Tests and EOY.
I Will Try To Do My Best.:) then the rest of the class left first. I took my uniform to change. i went to the toilet, there's no one thr. so i just change and go back to class. still no one. hmm, hairan kan.. i check the timetable, actually it was Music not recess. HAHA. so paiseyh lor. I thought recess sey. then i ran up to Music rm. hehe. bnyk nah pikeran kn. haha. after recess was CME, then Aesthetics. it was quite fun. but whenever I'm having fun or when I'm in a better mood, it came again. walao. but not as worse as before la. Honestly, I felt that our grp's daily movement was the most creative. yay, hehe.
when sch ends, i went over to Farihin's class and lepak w they all, since we need to stay back for Awards Day Rehearsal. I ate Oreo
(i was craving for it^^). then lepak w Farihin, Zawati, Nurlin, Irfan, Helmi and Ilyas. we started talking about Dajal, hari kiamat all. seram ehk. hehs. it all started bcoz of Ilyas' drawings on the board la. then we started telling each other ghost stories la, jokes la. mcm mcm terkluar ehk. but kekek la, HAHA. then went for the rehearsal.
there's 36 pupils from 1E1 receiving the scholarships. there is ONE pupil from my class, which is ME. pathetic much. but nevertheless, I'm still proud for getting it. yahoo.^^ I'm assigned to sit beside Amy. naseb adr friend yer. hehe. after rehearsal, i took lrt to go back home. but decided to stop by 205 Minimart for awhile. bought Loacker(and I'm pronouncing it the right way. okay Nyra? haha.) and also Skittles. hehs.
at first, I didn't think I could ever get near you.
but that day, for the first tyme, I saw a glimpse of hope.
but now, you are out of my reach, too far.
maybe I should never had harbour any hopes at the first place.
its useless, and I should just let go.:)
Labels: ainelmo :: just by looking from a distance, I'm satisfied alr.
Monday, September 14, 2009

you see that guy up thr.. HE'S MINE! i repeat, HE'S MINE! haha, remember that ah Nerissa. hehe.
so the duty schedule is changed again. and i got the sec 3 files. hmph. i dntwant sec3, i want sec 1. its easier. haiz. nehmind ah nehmind.
Malay cikgu nvr come again. haha. Geog class no one paid attention. everybody was busy w their own things. i was busy staring at Kim Hyun Joong's pic which belonged to Yong Yue(she dropped it, so i picked it up frm the floor). How Could Such A Suave Guy Exist In This World? haiz. Jun Liang saw me staring at his pic and said, "Ain stare at that pic, stare until like crazy alr." HAHA. very cute yknow that Jun Liang. then he tried to do his hair the way Hyun Joong's hair is. haha. he reminds me of Russel from the movie 'UP'. Igt tak Zawati?^^ then Haniff and Farhan tried to tricked me into giving them the photo by taking my favourite pencil. bluex. no way will I give y'all his pic. at last they gave up. huak. I placed KHJ pic on the table so tht it will be easier for me to see him and Shi Yin said that as if it was a photo at a funeral. haha, ya ya. i preparing for his funeral. he got H1N1 Flu wht.. anyway, i got 'spare tyres'. so no worries. HAHA. jk ah jk. then during Eng we could put our tables together again and I sat beside Shi Yin again. awwwww, I'm so happy. (as if) haha, jk ah jk. i think its better that way.
otw to HMT was super lethargic. very hot sia, seriously. and my stomach feel so pain. at class was okay a lil' bit bcoz got fan. then someone was so keycoh bcoz its her bday ehk. HAHA. then after class Nabila and Nadia heard my Tom Yam and they laugh. haiz. chh. what is so funny? aiyayai. bought two bottles of Pokka water(bcoz of the promotion). so worth it! hehe. i like. c;
Saturday, September 12, 2009

We marrying. how? haha.
Atika's ice-cream.
Look how gelojoh Mirah is.. haha.

Break-fast w Atika, Mirah and Sabrina at Han River was awesome! yay. very the keycoh ehk. haha. but then Nyra was not thr. hmph. but nehmind la. next tyme ah next tyme.:)
in the mrt alr got this one VERY irritating auntie. walao eh, my leg very itchy alr sia, want to kick her. seriously sey. went to Bugis Street first to find my shoes. bought my shoes then went to Bugis Junction to find Mirah's shirt. then we decided to check out the price at Seoul Garden. otw to Seoul Garden, we passed by this one chinese restaurant, then inside something very cool happen. got some people filming somethings or wht. COOL sey! i jakon can? haha. then went to Iluma for awhile..
Me(saw National Library nearby): ehr, Mirah, kitr selenger gilr taw. that tyme kitr nk pi National Lib jln jaoh jaoh. padahal die pat dpn sini jr.
Mirah: ah, tu ah. selenger sey. [HAHAHA]
Me: [HAHAHAHA] tawu tak pr. i think we are the most selenger girls in the world!
Mirah: ah tu ah. HAHAHA.
Me: tapi kan, aku rasr skrg we are the most clever girls bcoz kitr da tawu mcm manr nk pergi. HAHA.
Mirah: a'ah. HAHA.
Then took MRT to go to Simei(Eastpoint Mall). In the mrt, very the riuh rendah y'know. i don't know why they kept laughing at the way i say my TOM YAM. klakar sgt ke? haiyoyo. esp Atika. i say TOM YAM, she laughed. I say TOM YAM again, she laughed again. haiz. then Mirah mis-pronounced 'chalet'. ah, that one very funny. HAHAHA. then we bobal taik lagi sumr. haha.
reached Easpoint Mall we jln jln ard first. then we keycoh keycoh outside Han River bcoz we dontknow wht tyme to go in. hehe.
Break-Fast tyme keycoh sey. satu satu cm tak pernah mkn gitu. the part whr me and Sab nk ltk blk tu very kekek la. i very scared sey. ni la, Sab yg ajr bndr bndr yg tak bagos gini. chh. HAHA. tapi gerek. yadayadayada.
otw down the escalator..
Atika(pointing at some shoes): ehr, kasot tu lawa sey.
kitr da panic da, esp Mirah. she sanggop sey lari naek pat Han River to take my shoes. wah wah wah, Heroine ah ehk. ty ah ty. hehe.
the otw home. i talk alone bcoz they were busy listening to music. but then Atika layan me and we talk about the past. zaman zaman hingusan dulu. HAHA.
today, Atika and Mirah came my house to make kueh. kueh tart chocolate. keycoh sey. but then we buka(nasi lemak) at Mirah's house for a while. Atika packed some ayam lemak cili padi(which she always said 'Ayam Masak Merah'), that my mother had cook to Mirah's house bcoz she said she dontwant to eat Nasi Lemak. while we were taking the rice..
Mirah take plate, i also take plate, then Atika also take plate. HAHA.
Atika(said to Mirah): cepat la skt.
Mirah: sabar la. Atika, kau kn da pack yg mak Ain msk, buat per ambk nasi? mkn tu jr la.
Atika: tak pr la. aku pon nk mkn Nasi Lemak.
HAHAHHAAHA. tadi katr tk nk mkn nasi lemak. mukr sardin jr ehk Atika. haha. then we went back my house. Mirah left first bcoz she got Silat. Atika stayed. very keycoh. after Atika went back home, I tidy up. then I wash my soccer boots. haha, tibr tibr rasr rajin sgt gitu. dontknow why. hehe.
Labels: ainelmo :: Whats wrong with my TOM YAM?
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
yay, I'm back.
hey dudes and dudets. ya, ya , I'm back. okay, mepek.
still cant seem to finish the maths hw. too much la.
ytd sch was FUN. met Amy at Fajar lrt first. I was early and she was late. hmph. then while walking to sch, we were so exciting talking about all the rock-climbing , blah blah blah. reached sch, then they say there will be no rock-climbing or stuff like that. you should see how dissapointed me and Amy were. kan Amy? dissapointed sey kitr ehk? sedih uhr beyh. *sobsob* hehe. but then things got better. me and Amy are in the same grp. oh, ya, with Fitri and Nerissa and some other guys and girl as well. yay! haha. all the games were fun. awesome people. then me, Amy and maybe Fitri mengumpat about those 'bitchy bitchy(s)'. gerek sey. kan Amy kan? haha. hehe.
after that went back home and slept for awhile. was woken up by Mirah. chh, kacau jr. met Sab, Mirah and Atika then went to Mirah's house. planned to watch some movie, but at last we played w each other's hair. i tied Atika hair - it was supposed to be ikat scorpion but oh well, her was just too naughty! hehe, but she love it, kan Atika kan? HAHA. then when to BPP bcoz Mirah wanted to play DDR(again). otw to BPP, me and Atika had along chat about kuih raya..
Atika: Abh kuih tart choclate tu kau nk brapr botol?
Me: ntah.
Atika: rmh kau ramai org dtg tak?
Me: manr la aku tawu.
Atika: 2 botol ah. 2 botol.
Me: huh? manr ckp. 3 ah, 3 botol.
Atika: manr ckp 5 ah, 5 botol.
Me: huh? bnyk nah. 3 la. 3 botol da ckp.
Atika: 5 la. 3 kau ambk, lagi 2 aku bwk blk.
haha. Atika, Atika. kau pon nk jgk iyer? HAHAHA. kekek la. then kitr bobal taik la. berangan jr nk buat kuih smpai 5 mcm. then ingredients sumr Ain jgk yg kenr beli. haha.
went to arcade then play DDR. then walked to HomeSweetHome. haha.
Labels: ainelmo :: 'bitchy' - thats what YOU are.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Jump! Jump!
When I woke up, I think of You.
Every step I take, I think of You.
Everything I do, I think of You.
You are a bliss - from heaven.
You are soothing to the eyes;
delectable in the mouth.
Kinder Bueno, oh KINDER BUENO.
HAHA, I'm soooooooo craving for Kinder Buenooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
seriously. but nehmind, maybe mum buying for me tonight. yahoo!
today sch was so keycohhhh! haha. during art class..
Zawati: Ain, got somethg on your leg.
Me: huh? where? where?
Zawati: Your leg got thing!
Farhan: there, your leg your leg. got something.
Zawati&Farhan: LAUGH OUT LOUD!
chey, i thought really got thing sey. skali prank only. sheesh btl la! i panic alr sia. && my reaction and face sunnguh tak perlu ehk. hehe.
when Shi Yin went to the tcher at the front...
Farhan: Shi Yin, your leg got thing!
Shi Yin(check): Where got? huh?
Zawati: there on your leg, there got thing.
Zawati, Me & Farhan: SHI YIN, JUMP! JUMP!
right there and then Shi Yin jump sey! HAHHAHA! Shi Yin very ke'ai ah. haha. Shi Yin, JUMP! JUMP! haha.
my art was quite good sey. haha. i kembang a lil bit ah.^^
got our CA Results back. failed English and Science. my Science was expected, but English.. hmph. How Could I Failed My ENGLISH?! argh. buck up, buck up! but my Maths improved. from C5 TO A2. yay. but must be consistent ah. heheh.
Labels: ainelmo :: KinderBuenoKinderBuenoKinderBueno.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
No Ball ah You?
watched Singapore Idol and Farhan Shah was effing cute sey. haha, broom-like hair but still hot!
sch reopens. boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
haha. today P.E was super fun(although i didnt play for some reasons). my team[MEXICO] was supposed to play against EGYPT. haha. i was so noisy by the side. i semangat support my team yknow. GO MEXICO! GO MEXICO!(but kena H1N1 alr liao) haha. i tell you, Tobias was so irritated during the game. i can tell from hys face. ya la, we all dnt know how to play wht then he Volleyball somemore. of coz he v.good la. aiyayai. Haniff was really good at serving. duh, my teammate wht..
Tobias(pointing at Haniff): Why Haniff serve so many tymes one? y'all no need rotate mehh?
my other teammates: nehmind la. can wht.
Me(face serious, to Tobias): Nevermind la. that one my team or your team?
Tobias(the face suddenly change): Your team.
HAhahahaha. his face so innocent sia. scared or wht ah Tobias? hehe, i fierce ah.
then during Malay class, Cikgu never come. so we a lil' bit free la. but still must do ulasan akhbar. chh. when the class was busy talking, suddenly Irfan stand up then shout, "OKAY CLASS, NIARI SUMR BUKA KAT RUMAH AKU EHK." HAHAHAHAHHA! lawak ah lu Fan. buka pat uma kau ehk? abh makanan nan ayer bwk sendiri ah? HAHAH!
i totally flung Maths test. wth.
Labels: ainelmo :: Tell name also dont dare ah?