Thursday, August 27, 2009
from then till now?
title sungguh mepek.
ah, yes, ONG SHI YIN is back in sch today after 3 days of MC(which did not include Sat&Sun). HAHA. Duty was better. I did w Nerissa, haha.
During Geog Class..
Geog Tcher: Mount Krakatau exploded on 27 August 1883 ..blabla...
Class: Cher, today ah? today 27 august lehh.
ShiYin(ask me): Huh? Today? Today erupt? I want go see.
Me: Huh? no la, on 27 August 1883 la. haha.
ShiYin: ohh. I thought every year on this date explode.
HAHAHAHAHAH! ShiYin, you cannot go see Mount Krakatau la. you just 'came back' from MEXICO right? later you got H1N1, then spread to me. chh.
Geog Tcher: When Mount Krakatau erupted, you can hear it in Australia, about 2000km away.
Bernard(shout): Oh Cher, that's why that tyme I at home can hear also.
Me(to ShiYin): Skali that one his father fart one. HAHA.
ShiYin: HAHHA. Nice one, Ain.
HAHAHAHAHAH. yes, of coz nice one. Ain mahhhhhhh. hehe.
then after sch went to meet Mirah at lot. then while waiting for Zul and Khai'mabok' at the interchange, saw Sab & Dewi. so she joined us then we took 300 and went to this neighbourhood, i dontknow whr. haiyo. me and Sab waited for them to finish their things till we got bored. so, we decided to go at the court thr and played soccer on paper. HHAAH. i won, 3-0. seeing how dissapointed Sab was bcz she kept on losing, and considering that I am such a GOOD FREN, i suggested we change game. but then, the other 3 came down alr. then walked to LOT 1 to buy my buka thgs. took bus home. in the bus..
Sab(look at watch): da 710 sey.
Me: we'll never be in tyme for buka today. NEVER. (semangat)
MIrah: bukak radio ah. dgr da 'bang' blm.
Sab: ah, okay. pkai aku punyr radio, aku punyr radio. (taking out her thing) ehr, Warna apr station ah?
Me(singing to the Warna radio station song): 94.2~
Sab: haha, aku slalu igt by die punyr lagu. (started singing Ria's one).
Sab&Mirah: ah, da azan, da azan.
Me: biar btl? cpt nyr. aku pker niari 7.13?
Mirah: skrg kol 7.11.
Sab: call nenek aku ah. tanyr da buka blm. (call her nenek). ah, okay da buka, da buka.
then we started bacer the doa then Sab buka w her choc(w Mirah). then i wasn't sure at first. but then i also buka in the bus w my bbl tea. wooooh. sedapppppp. HAHA!
Labels: ainelmo :: I Don't Like Smokers.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Piggyback Me!

(supposed to see our name on the board, but too small. haha.)

(ya, ya. I'm the shortest. so? chh.)
haha. the pict above was when we 3 were immitating Jonas Brothers in the posters. haha, takdr kerje. we also immitated F4 . haha. crazy y'know. EHR EHR, Nurlin can piggyback me and run across the classroom really fast. seriously, really fast for a girl. HAHA! Nurlin Strong Girl. baru ah ehk. we did this, did that at E5 class room. then got one boy so keycoh about the markers. ala, lokek! chh. oh ya, played hide and seek jgk. kan Farihin and Zawati kan kan kan? haha. gerek la.
Labels: ainelmo :: awwww, KIM HYUN JOONG.
To Farihin.

haha. may all your wishes come true and may happines always be with you.;)
Labels: me., SINCERELY
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Life Is Like A Roller Coaster.

so, just now went to meet Nerissa and YongYi at zcc. i drag my feet all the way thr sia. nk jln btl btl pon tak larat. walao. Fasting = Endurance. haha.
ShiYin could not attend bcz she sick. some more got MC till Tuesday. happy ah, ShiYin. haha. idk her MC include Saturday, Sunday or not. HAHA! jk, jk.
ah, WeiCheng and Ernest were there too. X-TRA one. haha. so we started on the roller coaster by making the tracks. wah, very mahfan de lehh. tiring sia. i no energy somemore. first day like this lar. endure Ain, endure. hehe. then talk abt dirty stuff. uncensored sia. the boys very horny sia. then i did this haunted house for decorations, which didn't look like haunted house at all bcz it was effing cute. right, right? i know, no need say. but we got better idea for it. haha, nice one. after a few hours, our roller coaster , at last, looked like roller coaster but was not stabilised. so, b4 we went home, we decided to pluck all out again. wasted? a lil' bit la. but nehmind, tmr can finish up. jiayo we all! FIGHTING!
Labels: ainelmo :: There are ups and downs in life.
Ramadhan Is Here.
To All Muslims All Around The World,
puasa yer, jgn tak puasa. jalan kan ibadah dgn ikhlas.
mulot jager, mata jager, tangan jager, sumr nyr jager.
kuatkan Iman, tahan nafsu.
Selamat Berpuasa semua! :)
Ramadhan Is Here.
To All Muslims All Around The World,
puasa yer, jgn tak puasa. jalan kan ibadah dgn ikhlas.
mulot jager, mata jager, tangan jager, sumr nyr jager.
kuatkan Iman, taham nafsu.
Selamat Berpuasa semua! :)
Labels: ainelmo :: mcm phm jr Ain.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Don't Be Too Stress Can?
haha, second post. well, the previous post was for ytd. this one is for today.
i came quite early today. haha. planned to do DnT hw, but oh well nehmind.:) then after a few mins i reached the class, somethg happened, like again. but this tyme WORSE. E2, IknowYouknowWeknowPublicdontknow. haha. run here, run thr like no father mother sey. haha. then got this one part when me, ShiYin, Nerissa and YunJie wanted to call tchr, we were running along the corridor. then Zawati lyke just arrived. she saw us then smiled happily at us. then she stopped bcz she saw us lyke so kanchiong like tht. then she suddenly join running w us to the office, without knowing what was happening! very cute lar she. && Zawati, reaction tak perlu ehk. HAHA. then the thg settled alr. CME was okay, a lil bit fun. Maths was like usual. Art was super duper Fun! plus, i sat beside Ong XinRui; who was so kind and patient. i lyke her yknow, as in - as a fren la. she very good. then cute somemore. then she also very good in Maths lor..(okay, that part had NOTHING to do w Art. haha.)i want her as my peer tutor ah. HAHA. for Art, we did painting. cool sey. i jakon la kan. but very shiok sey. haha. keycoh sey the whole class.
after sch did the Roller Coaster for Sci project. first, we did at class. okay alr. then ard 2plus, got one Indian lady come and tell us to get out. walao eh, that one who's classroom sia? Ours right. then me, Nerissa and ShiYin went to canteen but the makcik said they need to clean it. so we went to sit at a bench near the field. I tell you, i buaytahan w ShiYin anymore sia. she so zhilian.(correct me if im wrong w the spelling.) take pic here, take pic thr. she claimed that she's sick, but then snap here, snap thr. wah, cnt tahan sey. and then when her temperature high, she very happy bcz she sick. she want MC. ShiYin, I repeat ah. You go see doctor, you get MC - for Saturday and Sunday only! HAHAHHAHAHAHA.
after that MANIS went lepak at Yew Tee w Dinie.:)
Labels: ainelmo :: JiaCheng, Don't Emo Emo ah.
okay, thanks to WaiMun for this pics. haha, and my rambot is lyke so masai can? LOL.

yar, so havnt been posting bcz i haha. err, ytd was fun.
duty was okay. it was easier bcz we had assembly.;) first period was Geog. then had DnT. i tell you, i totally flung the test liao. argh. but nehmind la. after test, my group had to stay in class bcz our tcher didn't come. we do the assigned work anyhow then play ard. haha. then a grp of us played True OR Dare. HAHAH. then i was dared to go to the relief tcher and sing her 'ABC song'. aiyayai. so, i go to the tcher's table and take idk who's sci wrkbk. i pretend to flip through then began to sing. walao. my water face drop, i tell you! the tcher look at me lyke wht sia. haha.buat malu jr. but WeiCheng worse lor. he must say 'IloveyouEsther' to Esther, obviously. HAHHA. he said it, then Esther replied, "I Hate You, WeiCheng." HAHA! luckily she never slap hym sia. then i was dared once more to sing to Ms Ong during Sci lesson. walao. embarassing sia. Ms Ong still can be very happy ah. then I sang 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' to her. With action some more! haha. i guess she loved it bcz, I earned myself a chocolate after i sang to her. you see, my voice toooooooooooo nice alr lor. ehem, ehem, BHB ah me. tak perlu eh ini sumr. then got one part during sci lesson i guess, we were laughing laughing, then suddenly YongYue shouted. "Lizard! Lizard!". Alicia ran to XinRui alr sia, bcz it was lyke near her table. then the boys all keycoh keycoh want to catch it. eeeeeeewww, gross.
then during recess, ChinLee said 'IloveyouWaiMun' to Waimun, lyke Duh! (bcz he was dared to during the game) Everybody, say "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww." i know, so sweeeeeeeeeet. haha. then during Hist, somethg happened and the tcher said, "Maybe its just his bad day." Suddenly almost all the boys started to sing 'Bad Day'. cute or what sia? of coz la, my class wht - 1E2. HAHAHH. then the lesson was so boring that i got too sleepy and slept for a while. suddenly i heard lyke somebody said, "7 O'clock alr." I thought my mother sia, skali when i open my eyes, it was ShiYin! haiyo, i thought i late for sch lar. then she still can ask, "Want to sleep some more?" HAHA, you ah, ShiYin. chh.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Pandai pandai idop lar sey.
So ya, today I complained to my mum that I lost my thermometer. Then, I expected her to give me money to buy new one, but y'know wht she say? She said, "ASL SMLM TK NK BLG? SAPR SRH HILANGKAN? BIARKAN, AKU TAK NK KASI KAU DUET. BIARKAN CKGU KAU MRH KAU!" mcm apr kan. bodoh sak. psl itu pon nk pekik pat org pagi pagi buta. argh. then I went to sch, I found out from ShiYin that the thermometer only $4plus at sch but I told my mum its $8plus. padan la die melenting! haha. but still, no need to tengking org kan. chh.
then went tyme to take temperature, i take my correction tape(Farhan teach), then i turn ard(my idea) then i throw my stationery on the floor. so it will look as if I'm picking up things on the floor while facing behind. HAHA. luckily, the others play along as well. thank you la y'all, thank you ah. haha. then i quickly take out the record paper and record down then act as if I just showed ShiYin. padahal padahal. then i quickly sit down la. haha. ini la, pandai pandai idop la kan. hahas.
FAILED my Maths Test. haiyo. then HMT, C.Sazali tak dtg so, we sit w the sec 3s. haha. keycoh pahhhhhhhhh me and Farihin. I was teaching her Korean bcz of thys one note. HAHA. i tell you, she really learn 'quickly' ah. haha, respond punyr la cpt. haha.
then went to meet Atika, Mirah and Dinie at BPP. haha, itu Dinie cute sgt. cute ehk cute. haiyo, ppl, next tyme go sch bring Safety Pins okay? Dinie, Atika, Mirah, iknowyknowweknowpeopledon'tknow. hahas. then went bwh blk uma Fairouz to play cards, tapi adr satu apek ni srh kitr simpan, so kitr takmo kurg ajr so kitr simpan la. then Anep also there for a while. then he go fetch hys ank. 'ANAK' yer Anep? hasil kau nan sapr jer eh. HAHA, Siak jr. then went to Atika's crib, ate maggie. I tell you, itu 2 kuceng... isshhhh! irritating tawu. haha. then walked to HomeSweetHome. :)
Labels: ainelmo :: Ne? Ye? Bo? HAHA.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
F.You Blogger.
Blogger is like **** again. hmph.
well, just now went to BPP for awhile bcz Atika wanted to eat Naked Fish. at last, I was the only one yg mkn. aiyayai. otw to arcade, somethg REALLY funny happened. HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAH(!) tak blh angs ah. reaction nan Atika nan wht happened to me. HAHA! kekek pe tercepet pat lift? (laughingloudlyalone) hahah. haiyo. okay, relax. then went to arcade to play DDR. haha. dulu Drum, skrg DDR plak. haha. then lepak at pondok jap bcz tgh hujan. tu la, aku srh blk tak nk blkkn, padan mukr da hujan! hehe.

Labels: ainelmo:: Embarassed but funny.
Friday, August 14, 2009
pitpotpetpot tittottettoooooooooooooot. haha, mepek.
okay, currently listening to MC Mong's new song - Indian Boy~ hahah, cool. and chatting w Shahril. haha. Im like effing bored right now. So i decided to do the quiz on Atika's blog, since I'm tagged by her to do so. :)1) Besides lips, where is your favourite spot to get kiss ?
2) How do you feel when you wake up this morning ?
I feel like turning the clock back to the night before.
3) Who was the last person you took photo with ?
err, forget uhr. hehe.
4) Would you consider yourself to be spoiled ?
not tht spoiled. I'm an only child after all.;) [but i don't get everythg i want.]
5) Would you ever donate blood ?
err, a few drops can? not more than a bag.^^
6) Have you ever had a best friend who was the opposite sex?
of course. haha. kwn baek ku.
7)Do you want someone dead ?
8) What does the last message say ?
super duper long but its from Nabila. haha.
9)What are you thinking right now ?
what answer t put for this qsn.
10) Do you wish someone is with you right now ?
no no.
11) What time you went to bed last night ?
12) Where did you buy the T-shirt that you’re wearing now ?
dontknow, dontcare.
13) Is Someone in your mind ?
ya, ya. haizz.
14) Who was the last person who texted you ?
Nabila~ hehe.
15) 10 people to do this quiz.
1: Mirah.
2: Sabrina.
3: Nyra.
4: Shi Yin.
5: Nerissa.
6: Zawati.
7: Taufiq
8: Yunjie.
9: Dewi.
10: Aqillah[HMT]
-Who is number 5 having relationship with ? (Nerissa)
Idk, haha.
- Is 3 female or male? (Nyra)
- If 7 & 10 get together, would it be a good thing ? (Taufiq, Aqillah[HMT])
they dont even know each other, i dont think so. hahs.
- What is 1 studying about? (Kq Atyqa)
What other sec 1s are studying about.
- When was the last time you chat with 7 ? (Taufiq)
err, that tyme.
- is 4 Single ? (Shi Yin)
No, she's w Kang Yunjie. HAHA.
- Say something about 2 ? (Sabrina)
She Dumped Me! :D
- What do you think about 3 & 6 being together? (Nyra, Zawati)
HAHA. lesbo per? NO la NO.
- Describe 9. (Dewi.)
she's sweet. :)
- What will you do if 1 & 7 fight ? (Mirah, Taufiq)
watch the 'show' and LAUGH OUT LOUD. but if its serious, i will stop them. haha.
- Do you like 8 ? (Yunjie)
Yes. awwww. (Shi yin, don't get jealous)
Labels: ainelmo :: LOL.
Especially To Zawati.
HAPPY BDAY TO YOU!wah sey, da 13 ah ehk. haha.May Your Wishes Come True.Be Happy ehk, Girl!Happy Birthday!Labels: ainelmo :: GuJunPyo, haha.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Money Makes The World Go Round.
haha, yes yes. true. haha. ILOVEMONEY can?
okay, mepek. this want la, itu Mirah. she gila harta so much. Ummu Samirah Bte MICHAEL JACKSON konon. sembarangan jr tukar namr. illegal btl. but i worse, for $$ still want to kill ppl. haha! but this one is only for the sake of fun ah. haha. tak blh thn siot ketawer. aiyayai.
ehr, yknow, today when i want to sit at the MT class kan, on the table, got this one girl/boy go vandalise the table. kalaw lawa takper jgk. HAHA. abh tules bndr taik sey. bolayan lar sey ini ank sumr. i know this girl/boy la, but dontwant say the name. y'see, I very kind-hearted ehk. ni ank nk vandalise tapi tules namr sendiri. kalaw cikgu nampk, AIN TEPOK TANGAN ah! KUAT KUAT PUNYR. skrg da tak zaman vandalise table la, girl. oooppss, oh-oh. now yknow her gender alr. :)
oh ya, talking about hand, my finger is getting better. naseb, but sometymes when i want to write tertekan skt then saket la. itu pintu la, bodow. very pain sey my finger tercepet at the door. I felt like running ard the world sia at that tyme. walao, actually i scared my finger putos jr. haha.
then after that Eng period. when I want to enter from the backdoor, as usual, suddenly the look-like-pervert relief tcher shout at me. cb.
He suddennly like, "YOU! FRONT DOOR!". kelakar pe? anjat girl girl. haha. mepek sey dier. Inilah, cikgu cikgu zaman skrg, Zaman Aku. hahs.
Today's trg was like wht sey. haha. gerek pahhhhhhhh? haha. abh kenr fitnah ah. kesian aku. hmph, Kak Nazirah & Hidayah, korg 2 watch out ehk. nk balas dendam ni. haha, nk balas dendam mcm manr pon tak tawu. haha. nehmind uhr, Puasa pon da nk dkt. yeah! lagi 10 hari da puasa. ayokk, kitr puasa samr samr yer. haha. gilr.
and ya, CONGRATS TO SARAH AQILLAH for winning the Anugerah this yr. naseb bkn Kunjung ehk. worse, Chirul. haha. I wanted Wawan to win.. ehr, no. I wanted Hydir to win but then he out alr. ehr, wait wait. I wanted Afyq Bakry to win. ehk Nyra ehk? haha. handsome nyr. tapi die siang siang da out. apadahhhhhhh. haha. you see, those whom i support are all OUT. suay pe aku? haha. but not all out la, at least Wawan won third pe. okay la tu, da bagos da. hehe.
&& I DIDN'T KISS YINGXUAN JUST NOW. that ONG SHI YIN la. she go and push us. then Yingxuan accidentally hit me. I didn't kiss her, okay? chh. My Virgin Kiss Is Still Save. you watch out ah Shi Yin. HAHA!
Labels: ainelmo :: 10 more days, and still counting down.
Money Makes The World Go Round.
Specially To OSY.

sorry ah, i only got this pic. haha.
HAPPY belated BDAY TO YOU, Shi Yin!
haha, 13 alr ah. haha. wish you luck horr.
Labels: still got august babies.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Especially to Yong Yi.

I know that this is like, very late? haha.
but still, Happy 13th Bday girl!
Labels: ainelmo :: Still a few more August babies to cme.
Hotdog and Fries, YUMMY!
I gotta tell y'all about this.
yay, so ytd after music talent tyme prac, I went to meet the rest of MANIS at BPP. it was like alr 4++. met them then went to watch kude kepang. itu round yg jadi muda muda sey. hot hot plak tu. haha, cuci mata jap. haha. then went to play at arcade. played DDR. then went PetShop to look at the animals. haiyo, I MISS SNOWBALL. atika, not SnowBell. its SNOWBALL. get that right! haha, jk. fyi, he was my pet rabbit but my mother go and call the SPCA to take hym away. she said he smells! sobsobsob. sedih uhr gitu.
then got this strange-colourful-singapore-flags-enthu-man outside the shop. seriously. semangat sey. haha. then met Khai(again) outside 7-11. HOT nyr itu satu Khai. da la Hot, TINGGI plak tu. telinga die pon maken bsr ehk. haha, no hard feelings uhr Khai. he really tall sey. (ke Aku yg tak grow grow uhr?) haha. whatever. i know I short la kan. Taufik said: "Kau maseh p.sch pe? pendek nahh." tak baek sey itu Tepong. haha. 154cm considered tall also wht. sheesh btl la. then salam nan Khai. woah. HOTTIE! HOTTIE! oh ya, also got Apit dan slipper striking nyr. haha. lawa sey slipper. cute la die. ehk korg ehk? haha. then went to watch the continuation of the kude kepang for a while b4 gg to Nyra's house.
haha, habes all the food at her house kitr kerje kan. licen! haha, no la no. we very considerate girls ehk. mcm phm. but the Hotdog all finish. Atika ah, she go and take out all. but nehmind ah. sedapppppppp. then I saw Samirah stole an ice. haha! reaction tak perlu sey kau, Mirah! haha. da curi lagi blh senyap senyap ehk. haha. I was like looking for jobs to do sey, since the rest got their own job(except for Sab - she was watching teevee in the living room). haha. then while Mirah was frying the fries, the tissue paper caught fire. panic ah kitr beyh!
Sabrina: (from living room, running into kitchen) MANR TERBAKAR? MANR TERBAKAR?
Ain: (degil) ANOH AYER!
(i scared the tissue will get burnt more, so i turn off the gas la.)
(okay, kitr biarkan.)
then the fire okay alr..
Mirah: Ehr, on api la. sapr Selenger nah pi off gas ni?
(Ain mukr da sedih.)
Ain: Aku la off gas. :(
okay la. aku jgk yg Selenger ehk. hhahha.
then we eat also nk gadoh. haha. abs itu Kimball peyh Chili sauce ehk.
then we finish minom ayer at living room..
Nyra: Ehr Ain, jom tlg aku.
Ain: huh?
Nyra: Jom tlg aku angkat gelas.
Ain: oh.. ah. ( angkat gelas pi dapor.)
Nyra: Jom cuci.
Ain: ah, okay. kau anoh yg ini, aku anoh yg itu. haha.
(finish washing the glasses.)
i go to the fridge.. then open it.
Nyra: Apr kau nk lagi?
Ain: takdr, aku nk tgk jr. wahh.
Nyra: ehr, adr iscream ah. nk iscream?
Ain: blh ah. apr tu? strawberry?
Nyra: wait ehk. (she take out Choc-Chip iscream)
Ain: ah, blh ah blh. (blh ajr si Ain ni.)
Nyra: wait, aku ambk gelas.
then we scoop...
Ain: ehr, aku campor nan strawberry peyh blh?
Nyra: ah, campor ah kalaw kau nk.
i go take the strawberry iscream and try to open it.
Ain: alamak, tak leh bukak ah. ala, tak pe la.
Nyra: ehr, takmo ambk bnyk sgt taw. nnt obvious sgt uhr.
Ain; ah, okay.
take iscream alr, Nyra sit on the floor beside the fridge.
Ain: ehr, tak pi luar?
Nyra: tak payah la, ddk sini jr.
then i sit and we eat happily. dgr mcm mcm bunyi dari living room ehk. HAHA!
Samirah: (from living room to kitchen) ehr, Ny nan Ain manr? senyap jr. dari tadi basoh gelas tak kuar kuar.
Atika: (from living room to kitchen) tu ah, aku dgr mcm bunyi 'ting ting' dari dapor.
they enter the kitchen ..
Atika & Mirah: ohh, makan iscream tak ajak. kwn mcm gini pe..
HAHHAHA! gerek ah ehk, Ny.
hhaaha. Sab saw me and Nyra die relek ajr. tak mcm lagi 2 bdk tu.
then Sab went home, the 4 of us watch tv. but not exactly. only Mirah watch teevee. Me & Nyra played the board game then Atika playing Nazhan's drum set. memekak sey! so i 'confiscate' one of the drums part.
i take when Atika watching the teevee and sembunyikan..
Atika: (turn back) ehr, manr part yg ini?
Nyra: manr pergy?
Ain: aiyo.. manr hilang? nnt Nazhan nk maen mcm manr?
Atika: aiyoyo. manr pergy..
Ain: kau check btl btl la. bwh bantal tu.
Atika: takdr la. (look at me) Ain.. kau ambk kan.
Ain: apr plak aku?
Atika: tu apr tu ? pat bwh kaki kau? nak tipu jr..
HAHA. biseng la Atika. jiran complain baru tawu. haha. ni la, ank ank jakon, tak pernah adr drum set pat uma. bdk kechyk punyr pon jadi la. haha.
then me, Atika & Mirah chiong home bcoz they two had to go somewhr.
haiyo. laughed so much that day sey. haha.
&& ytd also, I 'broke up' w Sabrina (bcoz of Atika!). She hasot Sab to break w me. nehmind la ehk. kitr tetap BestFren; the-double-teletubbies-and-curly-hair-freaks. haha. [THIS IS FOR THE SAKE OF HAVING FUN ONLY EHK!] i'm not lesbo.. I'm A True Girl. 100% and Guaranted! haha, okay, mepek.
Labels: ainelmo :: KHAI IS HOT, APIT IS CUTE.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Patriotic Spirit.

Sab ambk gmbr ni tak ikhlas, sbb tu blur. jk, haha.
Hello people of the World. How's you?
haha, okay. mepek uhr.
okay so today didn't went to Novena w Sab, Atika & Mirah but instead went Vivo. the bus trip was .. err, how should i put it uhr? uncensored? ehk? ya, ya. uncensored, like that la. haha, haiyo. It left a deep impact on me. really deep impact. HAHA! mcm phm jr Ain. then at HarbourFront, I bought this Sprite bottle drink at only $1. cheap right! promotion mahhhhhhhhhh. that's why must look around first b4 buying things. survey first, survey. haha. so kiasu(ks). i typical Singaporean can? chh. then went Vivo to eat. ate Chicken w Dried Chili Claypot Rice. foohhhh, POWER! kenyang perutku. haha. then went up to the rooftop thr to play water. Me and Mirah was seriously childish. haha. for the sake of fun ehk. then went to Candy Empire to buy chocolate la. haha. I LOVE CHOCOLATE! they \m/ ! haha. okay, da mepek kan. then we round, round the Vivo. went back to rooftop. actually to see fireworks, but oh well. nehmind la. then Atika was so semangat. semangat Singapore katr kan. she sing all the National Day song like nobody's business. smpai panjat panjat kerosi sumr. seriously, WE DON'T KNOW HER! haha, lek uhr. jk jr. we also sometymes join wht. haha. then she also enthu sia take the pledge at 8.22pm. itu satu ank, seriously Singaporean sejati sak. haha.
then took train home. yay! haha, sukr aku. hhaaha. wah the trip home i tell you, kekek nk mampos. haha.
got alot of Bangla like staring at us..(they holiday i think)
Sabrina: ehr sial uhr itu Bangla, **n** steam cyol tgk pat kitr!
Mirah: tu ah.
Atika: dari tadi sey.
Ain: ehk? manr kau tawu?
Sabrina: aku nmpk la. (siak jr.)
Sabrina: mukr da mcm apr.
Mirah: ehr, siak uhr. kau tk leh tgk weakness die jr. kau kenr strength die jgk.
Sabrina: oh, okay uhr. die ni HITAM HITAM MANIS ah.
tak boleh angs ah. (tak blh angs, seret uhr) hahaha. saket dokk perot ketawer. hitam hitam manis sey kenr.
hahah. then lepak jap at BPP. then got this group of boys staring at Sabrina's legs. (she wearing skirt taw.) pker dierg stare pat slipper Adidas die yg lawa tu. padahal padahal. ruprnyr ade lipas la. hahah. then blablabla. sab went home, me and atika and Mirah also went home. otw keycoh pe. catwalk ehk catwalk. mirah ah ni start dulu. HAHA. kekek uhr ehk.
Labels: ainelmo :: Bangla Hitam Hitam Manis.
A Better Future.
Labels: ainelmo :: Majulah Singapura.
Saturday, August 8, 2009

so today had early dismissal and went to lot1 w Zawati. planned to watch movie(UP) w classmates. semangat ehk. haha.
I swear i want to kidnap that chubby-adorable-look-like-jun-liang boy and lock hym up in my closet.
argh. he's just so cute. i want hym as my bolster can? haha. you see, i'm going gaga over that kiddo. ke'ai lorrrrrrrrrr.
after movie went to meet Atika, Wani and Mirah. Then Wani went home. Mirah, me & Atika also went back home. itu 2 ank da ngantok ngantok pat library. smpai tertdo tdo.
in the lrt..
Atika: ngantok seyy.
Mirah: aku confirm aku blk trs tdo punyr.
Atika: tu ah.
Ain: abh Mirah tak tawu nk tukar baju ke apr? trs tdo ?
Atika: tu ah. skali die blk trs on9 ehk...
(reach Pending lrt)
while i was walking home w Mirah, she offered me to go her house. then otw, we got hungry so we decided to go Shop n Save to buy clams and cockles. divide the cost and bought the cockles and clams. wahhhhh. very nice sey when we cooked it at Mirah's house. slalu taw mcm gini. haha. tapi gerek pahhhhh. haha. then played comp till Mirah wanted to go for her trg.
bnyk la Mirah peyh nk tdo ehk. dgr dgr blk trs confrm tdo. btl katr Atika, bkn nyr tdo si Mirah ni. haha.
and Happy Bday to Elmosquid also!
Labels: ain :: Cute= Ugly but Adorable.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
ELMO \m/ !
haha, yes, yes. Elmo rocks! haha. random ah random.
ytd at Libray, while doing reading test:
okay, I didn't even finish reading the storybook. confrm fail test one.
(I choose any number i lyke as the ans.)
Ain: Cher, I finish alr. I FAIL! I got 40% out of 100%.(I was waving my hand happily bcoz i thought i will get 20%.)
Teacher: I smack you then yknow. you fail still can wave your hand happily at me.
You go borrow another book now.
Ain: huh?.. Must borrow another book. must ah?..
Teacher: You go now, faster.
haha, so i go la.
okay, currently chatting w Zawati, Shahril, Atika, Sabrina, Fairouz, Ifan & Qayyum. just finish CME Project, like at last? haha, anyway, Zawati very funny. she still semangat can give me the link to the Pet Rocket tcher. haha. okay, okay.
today i so semangat leave the house a lil' bit early. haha. want to finish hw mahhhh.
then 735 I go do duty. alone. okay, where's my senior paartner ah? ehr wait, I don't even know hym okay. and I bet you my smelly socks that he doesn't even know who I am!
okay, so I'm like one blur sotong go into General Office and then come out again. then I met Mardiana, so she helped me. Thanks ehk, Mardiana. she helped me like twice alr? haha.
ook the files and went to the classes. i tell you, it was no easy job ehk. i run upstairs, run downstairs. and somemore, I was soooooooooooooooooooo late.
the seniors all say I'm late. haiyo. I feel so bad. awww. you see, i got heart. haiyo. nehmind, nehmind. next week I'll do better. haha.jiayo Ain! yes, chiong ah! (semangat siot.) haha. seriously, very tired. i came back to class all sweating . like i just finish match like that. haha. P.E also i sometymes nvr sweat like this. haha.
Sch was okay la. except for History. like affect my mood a lil' bit. the tcher go and take my maths hw. okay la, i was doing it secretly la. but i still listen to the tcher right? haiyo. then her face ah.. walao eh... btl btl mintk kenr remb sak. sheesh. then she want to scold me, dont even know how to pronounce my name! bodoh. its A-I-N la. AIN. pronounce properly la. you go home practise ah Cher. chh.
then went to meet Atika and Mirah. went Yew Tee Point then Lot1. met Fairouz. oh, itu ank. haha. then ate LJS. itu cashier buat klakar sey..
Ain: Cheesy Fries & Chips Combo.
Cashier: brewfefdrinksliedhwduhnd?
Ain: (looking at Mirah.) Aku tak phm apr die ckp.
Ain: huh? sorry.
Cashier: do you want coke ornhssdgdgs as your hduiwdhnj?
Ain: ah? coke, coke. (laughing uncontrollaby.)
Cashier: Having here shuhsws take away?
Ain: Having here.
Cashier: Ketchup or Chili Sauce?
Ain: 2 chili sauce, 2 tartar sauce.
Cashier: (giving me the tray w food.) Anythg else?
Ain: err, no. ehr, wait! my drinks?
Cashier: oh ya, the drink.
(he forgot to give me the drink!) haha.
cant stop laughing sey. apr bahaser die ckp pon tak phm. haha. okay, bye. tmr early release uhr. 10am can go home alr. yeah, haha.
Labels: ainelmo :: I need more tyme to finish my work. Stop rushing me.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
After I cut my hair.
I'm the winner & see my prize. You are the loser who sits and cries.haha. that was said by Mr. Squidwart.
hehe, so today sch was fun, FUN! okay, is iat like the first tyme I said sch was fun? haha. Eng was okay, then going to music room, we saw the tcher who taught us the wrong thing during the Pet Rocket thingy.(go read my archives)he very ke'ai yknow. pssst, Zawati can walk exactly like hym, like chicken! haha. but he seriously very cute and weird maybe? hehs, anyway music; Daryl was great! yknow, he played the piano like, so gooooood. woah, I'm impressed la kan. haha. serious,
Daryl, you very good la. haha. Recess ate chicken cutlet and fries. wahhhhhhhh, I fat alr sia. nehmind, nehmind. tmr got training. must burn off the fats. oh ya, no need attend hmt bcoz got PT also.
*evil laughs, kenings ups and downs*.
after recess was history. ah, here comes the kekek part. we got new tcher, so we must write our name on a piece of paper and place it on our table. so i write but then ter-blk la sey. haha. selenger. so I write on the other side. then we started taking about porn and all. I dontknow who started it first. i just join, haha. the boys kept exchanging the papers sey. so their names all tonggang-langgang alr. haha, Wei Cheng become Hadi. Hadi become Bernard. Bernard become Wei Cheng. Farhan become Haniff, Haniff become Farhan. baek pahhhhhhhhh? haha. then the tcher also dumb dumb go and believe. HAHA. then Farhan took my paper and write
"PORNSTAR", in markers somemore. sheesh. then he talk to Chee wei, i take his paper(which has Haniff's name) and write
"short PORNSTAR". haha, siakkkkkk jer.
Farhan: I miss Ms Teratai ah. (adr makne tu)Ain: Huh? you miss her, or her *toot**toot*?Farhan: All ah, all. (gelojoh sey ini satu ank) HAHA.Farhan: you go pornhub also can.Ain: ehk? really? what? (I didn't plan to watch uhr)Farhan: ya, ya. pornhub.comAin: ehk? how you know one?Farhan: Ifan tell me ah. ifan say.*giggling*(Ifan ehk... ajar org bndr songsang jr.)huhuhuhuuhuhuuhu.Farhan: ehr Shi Yin, I know you watch porn right?Shi Yin: no la, whr got..Farhan: ala, you watch porn right?..Shi Yin: ya la, ya. I watch porn, very interesting one ah.Ain: OMG, Shi Yin! I didn't expect that to come out of you mouth.HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA.
Then at Malay Class, I can switch on the visualiser button alr.
yeay!!! haha, ytd I cnt yknow.
maklom la, I'm only 154cm sey. you don't laugh ah. chh. today i can bcoz i panjat the kerusi mahhhh. haha.
Cikgu, certificate saya manr ah? (psst, i got the highest for hmt in my sch, sec1) *kembang kembang*Aesthetics was quite fun la. haha.
then after sch go lepak w Sab & Mirah ard Yew Tee. :)
&& I cut my hair already last Sunday. together w Sab
*winks*. haha. got different reactions from different ppl. but at least this one tak serimas dulu sey. haha. tapi masai skt uhr. hahs.
Labels: Farhan; The President Of The Pornstar Club.
Saturday, August 1, 2009

(Pictures not related to ytd.)
woof ! woof! okay, dogs. so ytd, aft sch met sab, Atika & Ny at lot1. oh, ya! Dewi also. hehe. then we jln jln, ate at LJS(yummy!) and then we play water at Roof Garden. but then we got 'kicked out' by the security guard. she said children above 12 cnt play. wth?then went to Limbang Park(w/o Dewi)and we talking and laughing like nobody's business, i tell you. HAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHA! then MANIS'TIANAK feat. Atuk & nenek keropok was created. oh, the sex club too. business haram itu. haha. Mirah joined us aft her NCC. so we introduce to her all that she has missed. hahs. then walked to Yew Tee bcoz Mirah wanted to buy her Old Chang Kee. me and Sab really enjoyed the journey behind. ehk Sab? haha. didn't know I can beat-box. hidden talent ah gitu. mcm phm. haha. blh buat album ah kitr ehk. and Nyra also. she joined the fun later on. then we recorded our first song. baek pahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. haha. kekek ah. sumr ter-kluar sey. then Atika found out that she lost her ez-link card. so we go back to Limbang to search for it. then don't have. so we went to Lot1 again bcoz I wanted to go toilet and also to search for Atika's ez-link. cari punyr cari, at last we got it from the info counter at the Library. naseb ehk Atika? haha. then took bus home. but then i went to Mirah's crib first. mawu mkn la. lapar. padahal mak da masak sey pat uma. then we played the comp for a while. we eat while playing the comp too. woah. itu Mirah punyr mak peyh cooking ehk, POWER dokk. haha. then Mirah force me to tambah the nasi and lauk. naseb sedap. trs perot boncet sey. haha. Atika kept fussing about the ketam over MSN. haha, she's really desperate about it, i tell you. haha. nk ketam yer? mengidam ehk? HAHA. ard 10++ then i went back home. naseb uma dekat. just in tyme to watch 2 days, 1 night. haha. okay, now off to meet Sab. bye bye.