Wednesday, July 29, 2009
You expect a miracle to happen?
peek-a-booooooooooo!haha. wei cheng did that to me during class to day. itu ank ehk. So, Wei Cheng, still want to go for hair rebonding together? haha.
ytd had P.E lesson which was superduper Boringggggggggggggggggg!
Maths lesson worse,the whole class got scolding and I FAILED maths test.
Just now morning, i got to know my SC duty. but I not sre wht day. Tmr maybe? ehk? ya, Thursday wht. haiyoyo. haha. MT, presentation was no good. tak prepare pon. haiz. Maths Level Test just now was okay. I hope I pass.
after test, had training. haha. da lamr sey tk dr trg! and i'm getting fatter now. trg gilr pahhhhhhhhhh. haha. dgr dgr field basah per? HAHA! i'm not getting any better in the turns or whatsoever.
Labels: ainelmo :: I need to buck up. BUCK UPPPPP.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Random Say.
Am I Vulgar?
I meant like seriously, vulgar?
I just realised it.
Sorry la, but that is just the way I express myself here.
Outside, I very Good. NO Vulgar all.
Sorry if my post all too Vulgar all ah.
btw, its my blog. so my business la.
okay, bye bye. c:
Labels: ainelmo :: why am i saying Sorry btw?
Singapore LOSE.
KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK. ehr, go open the door. the Nenek Keropok come your house alr.
HAHA. no la. jk jk only ah.
yay. today went lepak w dearest Sab, Mirah & Atika. went BPP, go arcade played DDR. Gerek pahhhhhhh kitr. played w Sab, FAILED! played w Atika, FAILED! baekkkkkk. tu ah, confident sgt kan. hahs. confidence mawu ada mahhhhhhh. then we went to Lib just to read he newspaper about the NENEK KEROPOK tu. keycoh pahhh. haha. popular sey itu satu nenek. kembang ah die! haha, adr tyme ke nak kembang kembang ni sumr? Adr tyme tak , Nek? haha. blh gitu ehk. skali die dtg my house baru padan dgn my mukr!
then we got bored at BPP, so we walked to my crib. jln punyr jln, at last pi swing jgk. but didn't play cause of some reason. so go my house. abt 5 mins, go Bangkit cause I suddenly remember that i need to print the Maths ws. Forget To Remember la! haha. then Atika left to go home from Bangkit. played at swing for awhile. i play also bcoz Sab said she nvr see me play the swing. I'm showing her that i can also play the swing tawu. Sab, nmpk tak aku maen swing? haha.
reached my house, Sab & Mirah ate nasi goreng. watched LIVERPOOL VS SINGAPORE. duh, obviously, Spore kalah kan. chh. 5-0 lagi tawu! haiyo. (Nabilah must be on cloud 9 now cause she won the bet w her abg abg sedare.:D) aiyayai. but nehmind. i see my SHAHRIL ISHAK, i happy alr. bah, so cute!( but taken, melepas aku.) haha. no la. too old la. teehee.*smiling to myself* ehr, wait. Chunglim not taken yet. but still too old. grr, forget it la.
then during halftyme, me and Mirah hntr Sab go Pending lrt. Mirah was rushing to come back my house cause ____ was on9. haha. itu ank ehk. then i suddenly ter-off the Internet connection. Mirah punyr la binget then she wanna go home. haha. (actually, i did it a few tymes alr.) haha, tak sengajer la Mirah. sorry yer.(sing Super Junior's Sorry,sorry.)
okay, that's all folks. want to do my Eng hw now. dada.*waving till my hand break* okay, mepek. bye y'all. :)
Labels: ainelmo :: itu spammer pat blog Mirah mepek sak.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Typical Singaporean.
heyy y'all!
today went Lot 1 with Atika, Sab & Nyra. bought my tee for P.E. argh. i wanted that Volkswagen one but, somebody bought it alr. bodoh. so in the end bought the Elmo one. i got alr, but grey colour. this one is green. like wasted ehk? but nehmind la. yadayadayada. we lrt-ed to the pg near Mirah's house. Nyra could not tag along cause she got dinner w family or what sort. at the pg siakkkkkkk jr. got ini satu family cine ni kan, perangai taik sey. Sab & Atika wants to play the swing uhr. abh die blg anak anak die jgn trn dari swing. die katr jgn kasi kitr org maen. eventhough die ckp bahaser cina jgn pker kitr tk phm ehk. abh da brapr lamr gitu baru nk chao dari itu pg. bolayan lar sey! da sah cine matlap mkn Babi. thn while Sab was playing the swing, got this one small cine peyh ank run run ard the swing. skali Sab tgh swing abh lagi skt nk langgar itu ank. abh itu bdk kechyk pon tk pkai otak. lagi blh squad pat situ, bkn nyr nk jln pi tmpt laen kan. abh sab da panic trs terjatoh. kalaw terjatoh trs takpr, lagi blh ter-hang pat itu swing. perutku mawu pecah sey ketawer. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! buat klakar lar itu satu boyf'!
then went Mirah's crib. played comp. Atika chao. me, Sab & Mirah ate mee. yummy la. kenyang perutku. hahs. then we sent sab halfway to the bus-stop, and me & Mirah decided to go LRT. jln jln jr. haha. but then at last we temankan Sab at the bus-stop until she take the bus. then we went lrt. then HomeSweetHome. c:
Labels: ainelmo :: inconsiderate peyh cine matlap mkn Babi.
Friday, July 24, 2009
heyy earthlings!
today got Maths test. like suay sak. I nvr understand graph sey. I absent from sch thn miss alot of lesson. argh. fail is a confirm. then got art. semangat pahhhhhhhhhh. haha. semangat mawu ada mahh.
thn went to BPP Lib to wait for Atika. met Mardiana, Sakinah & Fithri thr.
Atika reached, Sab & Mirah joined. went Naked Fish to eat. Then saw Mr. Fazli. haha. then bus-ed to JP. Atika, Nyra & Sab planned to watch The Haunting but at last tak jadi. so, apr lagik, kitr lepak lepak jr la. but Sab went to her Makcik's crib ke sapr ntah. so we jln jln without her. yadayadayada. planned to go Nyra's crib so we took bus to go her house. naek bus, so the very the coincidentally, Sab was like sitting at the back. haha. naseb ehk. otw back to BP, sumr da lemau sey. ngantok sgt. tdo pat dlm bus gerek uhr ehyk. I dreamt of Butterscotch Flavour Burst. sempat ehyk. mengidam sey. so we alight at BPP, then went to buy iscream. got my Butterscotch that I dreamt of in the bus. hmm, yummyyyyyyyy. while I was licking the iscream happily, i saw Danish. hhaha. wht he doing thr uhr? i ask hym la. then he answer but I don't even understand a word! i only said, 'ohhh./ohhh./ohhh.' haha. sorry la, but I don't understand wht you talking about la Danish. hehe.
then me, Atika & Mirah went to Mirah's crib. maen comp then Mirah wanted to go for her trg. so, we also went back home la. hehs. c:
Labels: ainelmo :: argh, my middle toe is red and swollen.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
boooooooooooooooooooooo!you scared or not? don't act brave la you. I know you scared right? okay, mepek. after recess went to health-checkup. haha, can skip History babe! while waiting chit chat la. haha.
funny la. then after sch went to Lot1 and eat at LJS with Nurlin, Farihin & Zawati. niceeeeeeeeeee! then Farah and her friend came. me and Farah off to WestMall. Bought tickets to watch
'The Haunting Connecticut'. (err, i don't want to put the pic coz its too scary.) pengecot perrrrr. hehs. walkwalkwalk ard WM till' we drop.
no la, fake. we go in that shop, this shop. just to kill tyme. finally the tyme came and we went to bought some snacks. keycoh pahhhhh. Farah kept eating the nachos sey. b4 movie start also she can finish it. luckily she nvr eat finish bcoz i scold her. haha. we semangat semangat go in and sit. thn got this grp of
don'twantsaytheschname students come in. then
OBVIOUSLY, they were talking about me lar kan. I'm like the only in that Shopping Centre from ZSS at that point of tyme. they like,
" hut, pizza hut.." kurang ajar. sorry to say this la.
but you nvr learn CME uhr? rude sia. you want pizza hut so much right? i give you free one you want? you still want? bodoh peyh anjing. you see, i become so bad already. sorry la, but too angry la.
walan eh. grr.
okay, ah. the movie was scaryyyyyyyyyyyy man! i got free hand massage from Farah & she got free shoulder massage from me. hehe. wah. after movie better. we was like running along this never-ending corridor. can make our own horror movie sey;
'The Corridor'. how? hehe. we were like imagining things for our 'movie'. haha.
confirm Blockbuster peyh la kan. padahal padahal. took MRT,LRT and HomeSweetHome.
Labels: ainelmo :: Didn't know I am such a pengecot ehk.
Sunday, July 19, 2009

It's late but not too late kan?
Happy Belated Bday To You.
May all your wishes come true.
Stay happy & cheerful!
Labels: ainelmo :: Happy Belated Bday Girl.

Sabrina; My look-alike twin.
heyyo!yesterday went to Marina w Mirah, Nyra & Sab. gerekkkkkkkkkkkkk sgt! camwhoring all the way. haha. ytd also, me and Sab realise that we look alike. the hair all. just bcoz of this one pic that Sab took. haha. cool ehk. hehs. then otw to Fullerton Hotel, we were attracted to this cotton candy. so apr lagi? we bought it la. semangat tawu. then we waited till the auntie finish making 4 cotton candies. by the tyme, Nyra's and my cotton candy melted alr. bodow sey. itu Auntie pon bkn nyr nk blg kitr. tunggu da cair baru nk blg pe? da lmbt lar sey! then we ate it. rushing like nobody's business. very sticky. it stick on our hand, hair, shirt, and even Nyra's shoes! haha. da binget sgt, we go toilet to wash the sticky-ness on us. stooooopid cotton-candy. Sweet but NO Brain! chh. don't want buy anymore uhr. then we sit at the jambatan thr. kacaw kacaw org jln. hehe. Samirah la yg start. tak baek sey. huhu^^ sekali sekaler per. then saw some fireworks bcoz off the NDP Preview. lawa sey! jakon la aku kan. then cnt take bus. so we take MRT. yeah! sukr Ain. of course. c: took mrt and HomeSweetHome.Labels: ainelmo :: Fireworks Are Cool.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
hey you! yes, you thr. wht are you doing here? why you read my blog? oie, wait! DON'T RUN. why you run? I only want to say HELLO right? haha.HELLO Y'ALL!okay, crazy. da mepek kan. just got better mahhhhhhhhhhh. ah, yes. thanks alot for the get well wishes ehk. adr ehk? ah, nehmind. school today,DnT got homework.MT got homework.English got homework.haiyo, all the subjects today got hw one la. Cher, give me chance la. I just got well sey. Don't want friend you la! no la no, FAKE only. okay, da mepek lagi kan. After sch MANIS met at Lot 1 along w Farah & Dewi. HAHA! kekek lar sey! gossipgossipgossip, talktalktalk, laughlaughlaugh till' we drop! ehr, wrong. not drop la, till' we fall. ah, then we stand back up. hahs, then we reminisce about old times. oh, the old times. bilr maseh selenger selenger dulu. hehs. then took bus and went to BPP w Mirah, Sabrina & Nyra. lepak jap and walked back to HomeSweetHome.
Thank You Rafie,for the F4(and Jandi) mini laminated picture. very nice. esp Ji Hoo. duh, like of course! chh.&& you watch out ehk! I'm aiming for that red card. haha. tak la. no ehk no. I Very Nice. :)
okay, going sleep now. just now Mirah warning me alr to sleep earlier so that I will not wake up at afternoon tmr. wooooooooooooooo. takot sey Mirah warning. haha, bluek ah! not scared uhr. ne-ne-ni-poo-poo-you-cannot-catch-me! okay, taik la. BYE!
Labels: ainelmo :: I miss the old times.
Thursday, July 16, 2009

I hope that the Friendship we have been bridging all this
while will not be forgotten or be broken.
You Girls are the best bunch of friends I met.
Labels: ainelmo :: ILOVEMANIS.
Monday, July 13, 2009
I'm Sick.
Currently having fever.
demam lagi blh blog ehk?
mendak mahhhhhhhh.
i'm weak la, but not that weak.
a lil' bit better now.
better than yesterday
and yesterday yesterday.
better after that old doctor
gave me that taste-like-toooooot-medicine.
iloveCHUNGLIM lor.
got 3 days of mc.
okay, bye.
i want to watch Chung Lim now.
Labels: ainelmo :: IHATEMEDICINE.
Friday, July 10, 2009
I wonder.
mississipi.what's the meaning ah? I came across this word in geog textbk. cool ah.
well just now had art lesson. the first PROPER one. I drew the design for yog goodie bag.
semangat pahhhhhhhhhhhh. da buat abh tcher nvr choose mine to show the class.
sedih uhr beyh. huhu. tk la. after sch went to meet atika at bpp w farihin & nurlin. sabrina & nyra joined. supposed to meet Amy and dntknow who.but oh, nehmind. yadayadayada. played at garden plaza thn went to the pg near Nyra's crib. kekek sey. but i don't feel that good la. i feel sick. check check, temperature 37.0 degress celcius lar sey! the first tyme this year i got 37.0 sey. all this while only 36.8 and below. haha. cold ehk me? haha! no la ehk. then while we were playing, got this 2 Policemen come. i menggigil alr sey. haha! da a few tymes kenr tanyr nan police pon maseh takot sey. hehs. i thought they gonna ask for my ez-link or wht thn give to the sch. then call my mother. then yknow la. problem. but thn no la. they asked somethg thn go away. ard 7.30pm we chao from pg. walked w Atika and HomeSweetHome.
I LOVE, SHINee! saranghae<3
Labels: ainelmo :: Maybe you have change.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
But I could not update pics bcoz of this Blogger. ehk?
ala. whatever it is, ITS NOT MY FAULT!
Labels: ainelmo :: I'm not to be blame.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Installment Dress.
supppppppppppppppppppppppppppp!today went to Lot 1 with Mirah & Atika. Mirah bought this dress for me and Atika(& herself). semangat pahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. its the same pattern but different colour. I lied to my mum that Mirah bought it for me. Not actually lied. I just didn't tell her that I must pay Mirah back. Anyway, I just don't like the idea of hutang-ing people. Even if its like the closest people ard me. Just don't like to think about it. But no harm if its only once in a while, right? yeah, right. I will soon finish paying the dress back to mirah. soon, real soon. At Mirah's crib, we were like 3 crazy girls, or should it be monkeys? haha, no la. then kekek sey Atika kacau Slin. kesian die ehk? haha. ehr, no. hoho^^ kan Atika? kankankan?Just can't wait for tmr. Going to SENTOSA w MANIS. complete familia! huhu. planning to wear that dress, the one Mirah bought. the green one. hehs. okay, bye. mum has alr asked me to go to bed!
Labels: ainelmo :: Sentosa here I come again. c:
Saturday, July 4, 2009
first of all...
currently, chatting with Nyra, Atika, JQ &Izzat. didn't post for a long tyme ehk? sorie. sorie. but now i post already right? chh. petty!
ah, just now went to BPP quite late. ard 5plus then reach. supposed to watch Happy Together at home but nehmind. Nyra, Sabrina & Mirah was thr. blablabla. went Popular to buy my art stuffs. not all la, i bought some only. budget lar sey! huhu. then went back home. the part where we went arcade & played DDR was superrrrrrrrr gerekkkkkkkk & kekekkkkkkkk. haha! keycoh pahhhhhhhhh. Sabrina was really trying her ehk Sab? hehs. no offence. andand, that tyme went BPP again & and saw Antoinette; bday girl & Farah. jyeah, miss them lots okay! then we sat down and chitchat, gossipgossip yknow. haha, no la. we good citizens ehk. haha. thats all la. so longgggggggggg!
Labels: ainelmo :: you're really trying hard.