Tuesday, June 30, 2009
okay, so sch is like open already? ah, yes. so no more hols. and H1N1 is getting all the 'fame' now.
Starting from first period,
Tchers were all like talking about H1N1.
Took temperature.
The class voted for our new
Chairperson ~ Daryl & V.Chairperson ~ Wai Mun.
Got new time-table.
Got new tchers for certain subjects.
Got my class tee too.
&& saw Farah. ;)
and Nasrul.
Talked about H1N1 again.
Took temperature.
No P.E.
I guess Bernard must have been
really dissapointed.
He was all ready in his P.E attire.
HAHA! no offence.
Had quite a few free periods which I spent to finish off my un-finished hw.
Played games with relief tcher. Cool ehk.
During the library period, I was reminded of EGGTART.
Soooo craving for it.
FYI, this is the first I'm craving for EGGTART.
I HATE IT, before.
Off to Bangkit to buy my EGGTARTS.
I was holding on tightly to it all the way when
I was meeting Nyra at BPP.
Ate at Naked Fish.
Went out of BPP with Green Apple Ice Blended.
Went back to BPP, to Library.
Read some books about Leonardo Da Vinci.
Super cool.
Sabrina joined us.
Went Naked Fish again, bcoz Sab wanted to eat.
'till we drop.
NO la! mepek.
Labels: ainelmo :: When you wash your body, wash your hands too.
Monday, June 29, 2009
what's up y'all?haha. tmr sch re-opening. no good. didn't post abt the tyme spent with Atika & Mirah bcoz the comp a lil' bit tingtong ah. actually, i also selenger. i tried to on, nothing came out. off it again. on again, off. went to watch teevee. frustrated already. cnt even like do my HMT hw lor. this is what I get for doing last-minute work! argh. then gave up on the comp. didnt even touch it. can't be bothered.when my mamma got home from work, i pretended to be asleep; so that she won't scold me. she won't ;et me stay up late duirng sch days nights. i heard her switching on the comp. i thought it wouldn't work la. skali she call me, then i saw the comp screen on already. bodoh ehk. haiyo. maybe it still needs my mamma's 'magical touch' ah. huhu. then mamma so kind, she let me play for awhile. yeah, THANK YOU mamma.okay, going off to lala land now. tmr still got sch. hehe. Labels: ainelmo :: I Can't Be Bothered.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

hey peepos.still sneezing la. but NO SWINE FLU ehk! currently chatting with my Otak Udang, Atika. haha. kiwek, reminiscing abt just now. =) well today was kelakar rabak! played soccer Mirah, Atika, Amy, Afifah(today just got to know her, NEW FRIEND!), Ezzaty & a few more ank ank kechyk yg tk perlu disebot ehk. gerek, but when somebody called you a 'beginner' in something that you hearts, its NO MORE FUN. but oh well, he's just a hingusan small kid. what to do. i just ignore & continued playing as if I don't hear anything. I don't want to be called 'petty' over such stupid matter ehk. && I LOVE MY FOOTBALL ehk! then bought some snacks to eat at FSC . lrt-ed to my crib bcoz Atika wanted to do her schwork on the Net. Mirah followed too. Mirah took a nap for awhile. haha. comel pahhh. she didn't even realised that we left her alone in the living room. oh, that Kepaler Udang! then she joined in the room & we chitchat about things. Girls' Talk gitu. iknowyknowtheyknoweknow. then went to Mirah's crib since its just nearby my house. accompany her change Silat attire. came back to my crib and continue whatever we are doing. *kenings ups-downs* shortly after that, Mirah left for her training. so Me & Otak Udang. kekek. haha. sumr bendr ter-kluar ehk. UN-CENSORED lar sey! JEFF CATS!JEFF DOGS!JEFF EMU!JEFF SWINE!JEFF PORK!& many more.haha. funny sey that kid. okay, its merely for Entertainment purpose ehk.
very mepek, but who cares when you're having Fun? bodoh.I can't wait for later. mamma gonna bring home
AYAM goreng. woohoo. seriously,
Atika also want kan? haha. cannot. blueks! :P
Labels: ainelmo :: JEFF DOGS.
No Title.
ainelmo-kq nazirah: HI! huhu. tc too.^^
ainelmo-Atika: HAHA! aku ngah update ah ni. sendiri tk update. tawu tawu jr org tgk BOF. kau pon samr kan kan kan? huhu. :D
ainelmo-Nyra: oke. will soon. :)
ainelmo-Khalisah: oke. ty ehk. ;)
ainelmo-kq yayaa: heyya. there, your link. under 'LINKS'. haha. :D
ainelmo-nadiah: oke, linked. rindu kamu jgk ehk. nehmind, HMT blh jumpr kan kan kan? hehs. =)
ainelmo-farihin: oke. relink-ed! c:
ainelmo-farah: Farah, my pantat. huhu. ily more ehk. <3<3<3
ainelmo-amy: oke, akan aku practise tu sumr ehk. mcm tk dr kerje laen gitu ehk. hidong tk perlu ehk. aitu aku da blh da. HAHA. rabak pahhh.
ainelmo-FEECAR: oke, ty. tc too. c:
Labels: ainelmo :: GOODBYE.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Tongue Tied.
Heard this song for the first time & it caught my attention. Just starting to love it. c:Bright cold silver moon
Tonight alone in my room
You were here just yesterday
Slight turn of the head
Eyes down when you said
I guess I need my life to change
Seems like something's just aren't the same
What could I say?
I need a little more luck than a little bit
Cuz every time I get stuck the words won't fit
And every time that I try I get tongue tied
I'll need a little good luck to get me by
I need a little more help than a little bit
Like the perfect one word no one's heard yet
Cuz every time that I try I get tongue tied
I need a little good luck to get me by this time
I stare up at the stars
I wonder just where you are
You feel a million miles away
(I wonder just where you are)
Was it something I said?
Or something I never did?
Or was I always in the way?
Could someone tell me what to say to just make you stay?
I need a little more luck than a little bit
Cuz every time I get stuck the words won't fit
And every time that I try I get tongue tied
I need a little good luck to get me by
I need a little more help than a little bit
Like the perfect one word no one's heard yet
Cuz every time that I try I get tongue tied
I need a little good luck to get me by this time
I know it feels like the end
Don't want to be here again
And we could help each other off the ground so we never fall down again
What it takes I don't care
We're gonna make it I swear
And we could help each other off the ground so we never fall down again
I need a little more luck than a little bit
Cuz every time I get stuck the words won't fit
But every time that I try I get tongue tied
I need a little good luck to get me by
I need a little more help than a little bit
Like the perfect one word no one's heard yet
Cuz every time that I try I get tongue tied
I need a little good luck to get me by this time
I know it feels like the end
Don't want to be here again
And we could help each other off the ground so we never fall down again
What it takes I don't care
We're gonna make it I swear
And we could help each other off the ground so we never fall down again
Labels: ainelmo :: I guess I need my life to change.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Drag Me To Hell.

yo people.just now went to watch DMTH with dearest Nyra & of coz, ATIKA SARI BTE [her father's name]. ah Atika, da puas namer kau bsr bsr aku letak? sheesh btl la! Mirah was not there bcoz of some reason(s). nehmind, next time ehk Mirah? andand Farah was supposed to be thr too but oh well, nehmind. c;ah yes, the movie was great man! worth the $6(student's price). really, you should go watch it while its still in cinema. gerek nk mampos! its good, scary. okay okay, why in the world would you call it a HORROR movie if its not scary kan? bodoh ehk. of course its scary la! -.- we were shouting like nobody's business inside that cinema. huhu. I tell you, go watch it. after the movie, went arcade. watch people having fun in the mini rider. like gerek like that ehk. then Sabrina joined. now even F.U.N! played this played that. playing the Guitar Hero was the most keycoh part. HAHA! okay, then went jln jln ard Causeway bcoz 'someone' was so busy looking for her swimming costume. :D then saw this CD shop where they show the BOF. walao. keycoh habes! sumr compete which one is the most handsome ehk. of course Nyra jadi mangsa ah. she never watch the show what. haha. Ji Hoo is the most handsome one la. (for me) foolstop! okay, da ehk. enough ehk Ain. ;) then took bus, HomeSweetHome.
ehr people,today then I realised that Gu Jun Pyo's hair is the same as Sabrina's hair. cool ehk. haha! no offence ehk Sab. but very nice yknow. I meant Sabrina's one, not Jun Pyo's one. i preferred him with straight hair. huhu.
Labels: ainelmo :: Am I That Fierce?
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Its Very Hot.
hey,im back. after [count yourself] days I didn't post. sorie ehk. lazy mah. anyway, I have been busy watching BOF(Boys Over Flowers) online.^^ nice lor. okay la, now, after watching the next few episodes, I admit that Gu Jun Pyo(Lee Min Ho) is actually not bad. really, he's handsome la. so sweet some more. better still, VERY rich! but, Yun Ji Hoo(Kim Hyun Joong) is still NO.1! huhu. semangat ke pe.oke, enough. ah, yes! today's trg was gerek. except for the part where I don't know what to do while we play the baseball-soccer-version game. seriously. I don't even have any idea how to play that sport sey. not the soccer, the baseball. Till now, even after we have finished playing & Coach, Asdira and Amy had explained the rules so many times, I STILL CAN'T UNDERSTAND. sorry la, I'm such a blockhead. but I can't help it what. Its so complicated. dierg srh aku lari, aku lari la. dierg srh aku stop, aku stop jr la. tk paham dokk! okay, maybe someday, when I get smarter, I wiil understand the game. c: after trg, Coach drove us to Greenridge Shopping Centre.Thank You, Coach Raymond. ;) okay, just imagine having 9 Girls + 1 Coach squeezing into one seven-seater car. keycoh pe! kiwek. biasr ah, kitr pe. went mamam at KFC. It's Finger Lickin' Good.=) then had such a good laugh, when the rest seniors joined. Amy ah. nnt aku da blh goyang kan telinga aku without touching, aku tunjok kan pat kau ah. takmo pandang rendah ehk. hmph. then went meet Atika & Sabrina at BPP. yes!
SABRINA BTE SATLI was thr too. haha. Wani joined us, went Naked Fish.
ketawer smpai perot blh pecah sey. okay, went playground and ______ people.
HAHA! so funny. very satisfied. sent Wani to BP LRT, went back BPP to buy Bubble-Tea. thirsty nk mampos! It's A Very Hot Day, yknow. met Diyanah & Farah at McD.
Farah, imy pantat.^^ walked, HomeSweetHome.
Labels: ainelmo :: just SMILE.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Sentosa Trip.

boohoo.hey Earthlings!Sentosa trip was simply awesome! except for the part when Nyra's Adidas slippers went missing. ehr, NO! It didn't actually went missing. At first me & Mirah covered it up with the sand there hoping that Nyra would not find it. we went swimming then kitr pindah to a nearer place to the water. blablabla, while packing up, suddenly Ny said; "Manr slipper aku?". oh-ooo. jengjengjeng. Me & Samirah panicked, thn went searching for it like nobody's business! feeling guilty lah kan. siol ah. then we ask this one family la, try to dig the hole again la. mcm nk nangis tawu! then Nyra took out her slippers from the plastic bag. wth! siak jr. Gerek siot! but too bad Sabrina could not attend bcoz of whatever reason. aww. nehmind. Next time ehk, Sab? huhu. C:Labels: ainelmo:D :: You're the BEST.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
C & P
hey. so i'm like soooo bored here. tday nvr go lepak. just now, soccer training was fun. after trainig was more fun. hehe. ehk, Amy?(and Fitri?) :Dso i just C & P the quiz below from Nyra's blog. you don't mind, do you? she said, if bored, take it. so I'm taking it.Type down your reactions when someone says these phrases to you.
Sorry, always like what?I JUST REALIZED NOW THAT I LOVE YOU.
Now then I know.^^I THINK I'M FALLING FOR YOU..
Welcome:) BTW, who cares?WHATS YOUR MOBILE NUMBER?
yeah, sure.MAY I ESCORT YOU?
It's for me to know, for you to find out. HAHA!YOU WERE EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING THAT I EVER WANTED.
Dream on. "WHOS"
Who is in the house with you?
org sewa kott.Who are you thinking about now?
someone.*winks*Who did you last talk to on the phone?
Farihin.Whose house did you last go to?
Samirah.Whose birthday is next?
Khai, 21 June.Who was the LAST person you loved?
hmm, let's see.Who do you hope will take this survey?
The person reading it now.WHAT's
What was the last thing you ate?
Non Fat Strawberry Yoghurt. yummy!What was the last thing you drank?
Green Apple Ice Blended*slurpslurp*What is the closest item near you that is blue?
The blue pillow, there.What instant messaging service do you use?
MSN? (ehk?)What is your favorite color?
Black, White & Red.What is your favorite website?err..What is your favorite shoe brand?
Not picky. but must be good quality.;)What song are you currently hearing?
Nobody - Wondergirls. ~I want nobody nobody but you.~WHERE's
Where do you live?
HomeSweetHome.Where do you sleep?
On my bed.Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
dntnoe. It's in the wardwrobe.WHEN's
When is your birthday?
31.12. *hints*When did you last burn a candle?
A long time ago.When did you last see your dad?
Why do we have to go to school?
To study?Why are you taking this survey?
Because I want to take it.:DIf you want to take this survey, just take it.Labels: ainelmo:D :: I'm very tired.
Irritating tahu.
yeah, after much problem, FINALLY can change my URL. wth? salah sapr? salah Ain jgk. bdk selenger pe. delete tu, export, import. oh, craps.
YES, peepo! RE-LINK me ehk. ty, much love.
Labels: ainelmo :: RELINK, RELINK.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
No Idea.
M.A._.I.S feat Natasha
just came back from BPP. actually, planned to go thr with Zawati to do our Maths Holiday Homework, but ended up not doing it. we don't have any clue on how to do that darn thing. nehmind. still have 3weeks++. at last, lepak with Natasha, Zawati & Hid. but for a while only. when Natasha went off for her Softball trg, Me, Zawati & Hid took lrt to our own destination. later gg to teman Samirah go Causeway Point. can't beleive she is still so semangat to look for her slipper. haha!
Labels: ainelmo :: can anyone help?
Monday, June 8, 2009
MANIS Outing.

Earthlings, HELLO!huhu. Outing with MANIS was F.U.N(!) manr adr tk fun kan? MANIS pe. they are like my Laughing Gas yknow. but so sad, Mirah had to leave early. bcoz of her Silat trg. argh. actually, she was looking for her Adidas slipper(which could not be found), so she settled on Nike ones. but dissapointedly, there's no size for her. tu lah, kaki kechyk sgt kn. hehe. then she left; back to BP. so, the remaining 4 of us, apr lagi? go Esplanade & camwhor-ed la! hehe. biasr ah tu. keycoh benar. oke. thn went to mamam at LJS. ehr, wait! or was it mamam first thn Esplanade? err, nehmind. thn we walked like a big round from Marina Square to Fullerton Hotel. slh sapr? SLH AIN JGK! kalaw tk aku, Atika. kalaw tk Atika, Mirah. sheesh. oke, whatever. but still, we reached Fullerton Hotel. played with the 'Ikan(s)' there and went out. camwhor-ed again outside thr. took bus home & HomeSweetHome. Labels: ainelmo :: you're such a Big-Mouth Liar.
keycoh pe.
GAGA.ytd just came back from Cousin's wedding. yar... so, ehr wait! firstly, Congrats To Kak Norfaiza & abg Juzaimi. SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU lar sey! and yeah, Syasya, we are now officially cousin. huhu. keycoh taw. biasr ah, my family. went thr, rewang lar beyh. help out, help out. the hantaran, very nice(and expensive lar). saw these 2 Nike boots. mercurial lagik taw. with shinguard. sheesh. its for the Groom side. tk fair. tk nk klh sey, smpai 2 pair. but nehmind, its Nike. preferred Adidas. then, baru nk ddk bobal nan Nas & Din, Cik Piah came. adoi.. she asked me & Darling(my cousin ehk.) to take all the dirty plates & put at the baldi thr. walao. Nas & Fazul also must do. haha. pdn mukr! then, the next day. baru nk relax relax, she came nan kipas die, srh org kasi Oreo pat bdk kechyk. i very tired, i sit down, eat one packet. haha. who cares? still got a lot ehk. thn otp with Sabrina. hehe. Sab, maseh saket perot ke? mkn lontong pat org kahwen trs saket perot ehk? haha. buat klakar la tu ank! thn took pics with Bride & Groom lar. bilr lagi kn? and.. someone changed gf again. the dJ very funny yknow. HAHA. gerek la.&& adr org adr bf baru ehk? haha. last long ehk korg. Congrats to Mirah, for having her dream come true.^^Labels: ainelmo :: i wanted you but nehmind.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Random Say.
Can you please stop telling people about the past? Don't you have brains? You tell people this. You tell people that. What's wrong with you? Insane? Oh ya. I know why you said all that. Bcoz your friends all got gf(s) already right? And you're the only one left. Pathetic much. Please lar ehk. STOP IT. Stop acting as if you are so pitiful. Grow Up.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Camp Rock.
hey peepos.today had a lot of laughter with M.I.A. yeah, went to Lot 1, CCK Park, Stagmont Park.mendak, so went to Atika's crib. watched CAMP ROCK (like again?) yeah, CAMP ROCK ROCKS ! really. Especially Joe Jonas ehk? haha. the lead singer la. and did i mention Atika got a new Cat + 3 effing cute Kittens. so now she got like 2 Cats + 3 Kittens. hmph. jealous. mama, i want Rabbit can? *sobsobsob* then, went to Mirah's crib. played comp. ehr, no. we didn't play. we were like so the busy searching for Faez's pic. actually, i was. i just want to see his face clearly, okay? -.-then went back home to rush editing the Podcast Script. mah fan de.okay. bye. want to sleep already. *yawns*Labels: ainelmo :: can't you just be honest?
at last.
Afiq Hakim. at last changed my blog skin, chnage my song.&& at last, found Akim's first single. just listen lor. its nice (for me). IDC abt you.walao eh. i miss watching this guy on Diari & Konsert. *sigh*Labels: ainelmo :: i want to repeat all over, can?
very busy lately.
oke. so it has benn like abt 3days or so i havnt post, right? bz lar sey. andand very tired also. but won't die for not posting a few days right? i've been having a lot of hmt activities for the past 3days. till like no time to lepak nan Mirah & Atika tht tme. *sigh*1 June '09went to Pulau Ubin. for hmt la. went to Chek Jawa again. did a lot of kampong activities. then, i realised something. WE were so like into modern city, that we were so not into Kampong-style of living. you understand? if you get my drift la ehk. oke, nehmind. then we did batik painting >>Very Frustrating, Needs A Lot Of Concentration I Tell You.<<>> after the others have finished doing, then i finished. at last.<<>>F.U.N since its the first time i stepped into a real kampong house. btol.<<on this day also;i got to find out that my Lakeside P.Sch friend are looking for me. i was like sitting in the bus beside Saleha then we talked & i got to find out that she was from LPS. then she told me Amalina was looking for me (all this while?) mayb. oke. actually, imissthem also lar. eventhough only 2years, its still like my first years in P.Sch yknow. so, now trying to keep in contact.2/3 June '09...was super-DUPER-EFFING-BORING. mendak gilr. we just sat in the comp lab, for more than 5hrs/day, listening to tcher crapping. had to write Pantun, Sajak & write a CerPen. argh(!) give me a break. its the hols lar sey. not fair not fair! hmph.but among this 3days..there's 1 thing that I like the most.the part when we PLAYED WITH WATER. woohoo. gerek siot. yknow at the Lot 1 thr, the roof thr, open already, so we go. first; only Me, Farihin & Nurlin. played a lil only bcoz we didn't bring Xtra clothes. ( we didn't plan anyway.)Second time was ytd. Me, Farihin & Rafie. fooh. Rafie like maseh sempat blk uma tukar baju thn dtg Lot 1 blk. haha. semangat. we played like nobody's business. Relief Stress lar sey! then like the rest are all small children. those toddler age, yknow. haha. comel pe. i confirmed we were the only SEC 1 playing water thr. but who cares? age are just numbers. ;)Labels: ainelmo :: can we go back to pastimes?
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
(!)IMISSTHEM(!) hey.im so effing bored!!! currently sitting in bpghs comp lab. having hmt enrichment. doing pantun, syair & other crappy stuff. tcher now blabbering away. i wish i could go lepak with Mirah & Atika lor. mendak tawu. cb.suddenly missing
Dear MIRAH, NYRA, ATIKA & SABRINA. seriously sia.
IMISSYOUALL(!) well, just now text-ing Mirah. now, not anymore. still have another freaking 4hrs more sia for this shit to end. -.-tmr still got. diediedie.
my hols didn't start off well after all.
oke. bye. gtg. got work to do. so long!
Labels: ainelmo:D :: get me out of this mess.