Monday, February 8, 2010
No title.
okay, this feel kind of awkward.. maybe bcs I havnt blog for a long long time. real long! hehe. im here just to tell y'all that im not gg to blog much. but i will still keep this blog. so just keep the tags rolling in peepos!:)
Labels: ily ttm.
Monday, November 30, 2009
I'm Back Babey!

*blow**blow*wah sey, my blog dusty alr sey. long tyme nvr update. hehs. but Im back! okay, so sorry for not updating my blog. all this while had a few activities such as - lepak, P6 Outreach Programme, lepak, Soccer trg, lepak, ZSS Open House, lepak, watched 2012, lepak, lepak and lepak! the pictures above are superrrr outdated. HEHE.
I kind of like feel awkward updating blog like this since I have not update for a long time. hehs.
Currently @ Mirah's crib. Sleeping-over w Atika. Kekek sey. And finally after 4 years of friendship w dear Atika, I just found out that she had an obssesion over JUSTIN BIEBER, LEE MIN HO & CHOI MIN HO! You should see her reaction when she watched those videos on those guys. Drooling sey die! hahaaaa.
&& Mirah was so prasan that her hair look like Justin Bieber's.
and she can't even pronounce 'Bieber' correctly! HAHA.
I'm not mengumpat-ing bcoz they are right beside me. hehe. See how adorable my sayangs are. Hehs.
Labels: 2PM'S HEARTBEAT would b better w Jay in it.
Friday, October 30, 2009
1E2 Rocks.
Featuring Ms Ang.
Shi Yin, see ur so UN-GLAM photo.XD
Shi Yin, see.. got ur photo.:)

See.. we love to zhilian. (Strong influence frm OSY, haha.)OMG, a year(or so) has passed.
all those laughters, dirty(as well as some clean..) jokes, all those gay-jokes, those up-skirt-ing, those Ernest's "my butt small meh?"-joke, all those crying bcz of little things, all those gossips, all those punishments, all those 'nobody-nobody-but-you-singing-and-dancing' times, all those GREAT times.. its worth remembering. HAHA, hope thr will b more coming up next year.XDLabels: ainelmo :: Happy Holidays.
omg, Its Here.
Holiday Is Here. *jumping up and down 10 times*oky, sungguh tdk perlu.So tdy received my results. OMG, its unbelieveably unbelieveable(so exaggerating). I got third in class but my grades weren't that good. haiz.then went zhilian-ing w dearest classmates. Man, I simply love how we love to take pictures. so semangat! teehee^^then had breakfast @ KFC. then accompanied Sab to Fajar clinic. the best part, playing that $0.20 machine game. gilr chips ah kitr. ehk Sab? HAHAH. dgrdgr saket pe.. saket ehk. kekek gilr la. then when home and watched Wild Bunny^^ for a while bfr gg to trg.lrt-ed to Bangkit aft trg and met up w Mirah and Wana. went to buy some cockles and clams. hehe. and off to Mirah's crib to cook those clams and cockles. it was delicious.:)Okay,so now its holiday but I still have to come bck to sch for certain commitments(chey, 'commitments' pah Ain..) HAHA.SC trg.p6 Outreach programme.Soccer trg.ehr, when is F4 outing ah? bfr Rafi go HK ah.(if he's gg la.) tk sbr ni, hehs.
oh ya, there is still holidays assignments.. *sianz look*
ehr, the video-thingy leh? oh ya, K-Box how? HAHA. Honestly, holidays can get kind of boring. but still, its holiday!
Labels: ainelmo :: here we go..
Thursday, October 29, 2009
You don't know what the future holds.
haha. today was not bad. I was v.silly when i 'accidentally' tore up the paper, Oops! I had to go to each sec1Express classes to ask for a new paper but ended up gg to the General Office bcoz the tchers did not have any extra. wth. and then had spring cleaning; since sch is ending soon in another 15hrs or so, hehs. some people even take on a new role as 'Cinderella'. HAHA. then went BBP w kaki gereks - Farihin and Zawati. otw, we 'witnessed' an accident in which the car ended up in the longkang and the driver no where to be seen. worse still, one of the tyres was drifted quite far along that longkang. poor driver, his/her license kenr gantong pkai pegs! HAHAHAH.
tmr PTM but my mom not comg. good la.:)okay, now I'm gonna continue watching 2PM Wild Bunny. aww, they really cracked me up man.Labels: ainelmo :: Look on the brighter side, dear.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Dirty Eyed Girls

Omg,Dirty Eyed Girls are hot! HAHA.Those 2AM and 2PM boys are effing cute. I was bored so I watched their Abracadabra MV and I can't stop laughing. Really sexy! XDJoGwon was the best! Although Taecyeon is still the cutest. teehee^^I recommend you to go and watch their video. (Go search urself at Youtube.)
Labels: Everynight I deo reo weo.. HAHA.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Once not enough.
(that pict on top is so random)
Annyeong everybody!Yay, so today received the NE Ambassador badge from P. :)and the Police Talk was fun - NO AH LONG! haha. but some people kinda scare the wits out of me. wth.The Student Forum was even more fun. Best suggestions - "Install cameras in the toilets!". HAHA, then i will have second thoughts bfr gg to the toilet. ehr, no no. not second thoughts, THOUSAND thoughts. hahs, mepek. after sch tasted G.Guides cookies, the choc mint. SUPER-DUPER-DELICIOUS! like seriously, its the best among the 3 flavours. hehs.then lrt-ed to BPP to have lunch at LJS. ran back to sch like there is no tmr(since we are REALLY late). reached the sch lib and had the Sec1 Councillor Appointment. okay, now wht? I'm an official member of the student council? Yes, I am. ("I wanna be President! I wanna be President". hahs)then lrt-ed to CCK to meet Mirah and Sab. at the station saw Korean Senior. (Zawati, be jealous.) teehee.^^ met the two girls and mrt-ed to CP. walked ard and ate at Banquet then bus-ed home. :)Labels: splash some more - 1 2 3 4 5 times.